How do I install something on an image?
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How do I install something on an image?

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Welcome to the world of GraalVM and containerization! If you’re reading this, chances are you’re trying to install something on an Oracle-provided GraalVM image from You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll take you by the hand and guide you through the process of installing anything you need on a GraalVM image.

What is

Before we dive into the installation process, let’s quickly cover what GraalVM and the Oracle container registry are.

GraalVM is a high-performance runtime that can run applications written in a variety of languages, including Java, Python, Ruby, and more. It’s designed to provide a robust and efficient way to run applications in production environments.

The Oracle container registry is a registry that hosts pre-built images of various Oracle products, including GraalVM. These images are optimized for performance and security, making it easy to get started with GraalVM.

Why do I need to install something on a GraalVM image?

There are many reasons why you might need to install additional software or tools on a GraalVM image. Here are a few common scenarios:

  • You need to install a specific library or dependency required by your application.

  • You want to add a new tool or utility to your GraalVM environment.

  • You need to customize the GraalVM image to meet specific security or compliance requirements.

Preparing your environment

Before we start installing anything, let’s make sure you have the necessary tools and environment set up.


  • Docker installed on your machine (if you’re using a Linux or macOS system)

  • A GraalVM image from the Oracle container registry (we’ll use as an example)

  • A terminal or command prompt

Step 1: Pull the GraalVM image

First, let’s pull the GraalVM image from the Oracle container registry using the following command:

docker pull

Step 2: Run the GraalVM image

Next, let’s run the GraalVM image in a new container using the following command:

docker run -it --name graalvm /bin/bash

This will start a new container from the GraalVM image and open a bash shell inside the container.

Installing software on a GraalVM image

Now that we have our environment set up, let’s install something on the GraalVM image. For this example, we’ll install the git tool.

Step 1: Update the package list

First, let’s update the package list to ensure we have the latest package information:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Install the software

Next, let’s install the git tool using the following command:

sudo apt install -y git

This will download and install the git tool and its dependencies.

Step 3: Verify the installation

Let’s verify that the git tool was installed successfully:

git --version

This should display the version of the git tool that we just installed.

Customizing the GraalVM image

In some cases, you might need to customize the GraalVM image by adding custom configurations, environment variables, or even modifying the underlying system. Let’s explore a few ways to do this.

Environment variables

You can set environment variables in the GraalVM image by using the ENV instruction in a Dockerfile. Here’s an example:


ENV MY_VAR="Hello World!"

This sets an environment variable named MY_VAR with the value Hello World!.

Custom configurations

You can also add custom configurations to the GraalVM image by copying files into the container. For example, let’s say you have a custom configuration file named that you want to add to the GraalVM image:


COPY /path/to/config

This copies the file into the container at the specified path.

Troubleshooting common issues

While installing software on a GraalVM image, you might encounter some common issues. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

Error: Unable to locate package

If you encounter an error message stating that the package is unable to be located, try updating the package list using the following command:

sudo apt update

Error: Permission denied

If you encounter a permission denied error, try running the command with elevated privileges using sudo:

sudo apt install -y git

Error: Package not found

If the package you’re trying to install is not found, try searching for it using the following command:

apt-cache search git

This will display a list of available packages that match the search term.


That’s it! You’ve successfully installed software on a GraalVM image from the Oracle container registry. Remember to tailor your installation process to your specific needs and requirements. With GraalVM and containerization, the possibilities are endless!

If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below. Happy installing!

Keyword Frequency
How do I install something on an image? 5
GraalVM 10
Oracle container registry 5 3
Docker 5

Here is the HTML code for 5 Q&A about installing something on an `` image:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your questions about installing software on a GraalVM image from Oracle’s container registry.

What is the best way to install a package on a GraalVM image?

You can use the `gu` command to install packages on a GraalVM image. For example, to install the `vim` editor, run `gu install vim` in your terminal.

Can I use a package manager like apt or yum to install software?

No, GraalVM images do not come with a package manager like apt or yum. Instead, you can use the `gu` command or install packages manually by copying them into the container.

How do I persist changes to the image after installing software?

To persist changes to the image, you need to commit the changes using the `docker commit` command. For example, `docker commit `.

Can I install software from a custom repository?

Yes, you can install software from a custom repository by adding the repository to the `gu` configuration file and then installing the package using the `gu` command.

What if I need to install a package that requires additional dependencies?

If a package requires additional dependencies, you can install them manually using the `gu` command or by copying the dependencies into the container. You can also create a script to automate the installation process.

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