Why is a Forked Child Killed by a (Former) Parent Process Exiting? Unraveling the Mystery
Image by Rolfe - hkhazo.biz.id

Why is a Forked Child Killed by a (Former) Parent Process Exiting? Unraveling the Mystery

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Ever wondered what happens when a parent process exits after creating a child process through the fork system call? You’re not alone! Many developers, even seasoned ones, get perplexed by this seemingly simple yet intriguing question. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of process creation, explore the concept of forked children, and demystify why a (former) parent process exiting can lead to the demise of its child.

Forking and Process Creation: A Brief Refresher

In the realm of Operating Systems, processes are the fundamental units of execution. When a program starts, the operating system creates a new process, allocating resources such as memory, CPU time, and I/O devices. To create a new process, a parent process uses the fork system call, which spawns a duplicate process – the child process.

#include <unistd.h>

int main() {
    pid_t pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0) {
        // Child process
        printf("Hello from child!\n");
    } else {
        // Parent process
        printf("Hello from parent!\n");
    return 0;

In the code snippet above, the parent process calls fork(), creating a new child process. The child process (pid == 0) executes the code within the if block, while the parent process (pid > 0) executes the code in the else block.

The Parent-Child Relationship: Understanding the Bond

When a parent process creates a child process, a special bond is formed between them. This bond is characterized by the parent process’s responsibility to manage the child’s lifecycle. The parent process is accountable for:

  • Maintaining the child’s memory space
  • Managing open file descriptors
  • Handling signals and exceptions
  • Terminating the child process (if necessary)

Conversely, the child process relies on its parent for resource allocation, synchronization, and signaling. This interdependency is crucial for the child process’s survival.

The Mysterious Case of the (Former) Parent Process Exiting

Now, let’s explore what happens when the parent process exits after creating a child process. In this scenario, the parent process’s resources are reclaimed by the operating system, including its memory space, open file descriptors, and system resources.

#include <unistd.h>

int main() {
    pid_t pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0) {
        // Child process
        printf("Hello from child!\n");
        sleep(10); // Simulate some work
    } else {
        // Parent process
        printf("Hello from parent!\n");
        exit(0); // Parent process exits immediately
    return 0;

In the example above, the parent process forks a child process and then exits using the exit() system call. You might expect the child process to continue executing, but that’s not the case. Why is this?

The Fate of the Forked Child

When the parent process exits, the operating system reaps the parent process’s resources, including its memory space. This has a profound impact on the child process:

  • The child process becomes an orphan, losing its parent’s guidance and resource management.
  • The child process’s memory space becomes inaccessible, causing it to terminate.
  • Any open file descriptors created by the parent process are closed, disrupting the child process’s I/O operations.

In essence, the child process is killed due to the lack of a parent process to manage its resources and provide the necessary support. This phenomenon is often referred to as the ” fork bomb” or ” orphaned process” problem.

Solutions to the Forked Child Conundrum

Luckily, there are ways to mitigate this issue and ensure the child process continues to execute even after the parent process exits:

  1. wait(): The parent process can use the wait() system call to wait for the child process to finish before exiting. This approach guarantees the child process completes its execution before the parent process exits.
  2. exec(): The child process can use the exec() family of system calls to replace its image with a new program. This approach decouples the child process from the parent process, allowing it to continue executing independently.
  3. daemonize(): The child process can daemonize itself, detaching from the parent process and continuing to run in the background.

By employing these strategies, you can ensure the child process’s survival even when the parent process exits.


In this article, we’ve explored the intricacies of process creation, the parent-child relationship, and the consequences of a parent process exiting on a forked child process. By understanding the underlying mechanisms, you can develop robust applications that effectively manage process creation and termination. Remember, a little knowledge can go a long way in avoiding the pitfalls of forked child processes!

System Call Purpose
fork() Create a new process (child process)
wait() Wait for a child process to finish
exec() Replace a process image with a new program

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the world of processes and get to the bottom of the mysterious forked child killing phenomenon!

Why does the parent process kill the forked child when it exits?

When a parent process exits, it sends a signal (usually SIGTERM) to its child processes, including the forked child. This signal is a polite way of asking the child process to terminate. If the child process doesn’t respond or terminate, the parent process will send a more forceful signal (SIGKILL) to ensure the child process is terminated. This is done to prevent zombie processes and maintain system stability.

What happens if the parent process doesn’t wait for the child process to finish?

If the parent process doesn’t wait for the child process to finish, it will exit without waiting for the child to terminate. In this case, the operating system will send a signal to the child process to terminate it, as the parent process is no longer present to manage the child.

Can I prevent the parent process from killing the forked child?

Yes, you can prevent the parent process from killing the forked child by using the `setsid` system call in the child process. This will create a new session, and the child process will no longer be a member of the parent’s process group. However, this should be done with caution, as it can lead to zombie processes if not properly handled.

What are the implications of a forked child being killed by the parent process?

When a forked child is killed by the parent process, any resources allocated by the child process, such as open files or network connections, will be released. Additionally, any shared memory or synchronization mechanisms may be affected. It’s essential to carefully design and implement process management to avoid possible issues.

How can I handle the forked child process more elegantly?

To handle the forked child process more elegantly, you can use mechanisms like `waitpid` or `wait` system calls to allow the parent process to wait for the child process to finish. You can also use signals to communicate between processes and implement proper process exit handling. By doing so, you can ensure a more robust and efficient process management.

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